The credibility of human doesn't create any sense of change, the power of change will come out through his dream while the dream come from the inspiration, I was a bit dazzled to see the credibility of others people, and the inner of estetic of others. when I was wacthing the TV show, my self saying that how such a man lower age then I could do what I can't do? I also have heard a story of tiger and mouse when I was kid, the tiger was survive due to the help of mouse, once the tiger was trapped by the trapping net, soon after ward, the mouse comes and help that king of jungle, the tiger finally said "I can't imagine that the small animal like you can do what I can't". This litle story bring me to a contemplation of what the TV show was, and come to the conclusion that the credibility of human doesn't create any sense of change.

Any how, the person will change since he wanted to be changed, and the person will be get since he will try to get it.
Well...Brothers, be your self is the best way to proof your capability infont of the people, and take the lesson from every momentum that u faced, and come out with a solution when you face the problem, Once, my lovely teacher ever said to me that: "the life is not the problem to be solved but it is the reality to be enjoyed".