It is truth that we could not see some one only from his character, and what we saw from our own eyes only, but we never know that every human having there own ability that we might not posses it. I remember to the story of Tiger and the mouse, once, the tiger is trapped by the trapping-net, suddenly the litle mouse come and saw the crown of the jungle was trapped inside the net, the tiger begging the litle mouse to release him so that he can set up free. The litle mouse with his sharp teeths eats the rops and finally the whole rops were realeased and the tiger able to set out freely, the tiger says to the litle rat "I have no idea before, how can such a small rat like u able to do what I am not able to do."
On 10th of March 2007 was my convocation day, and very momentum to me, the honour is nothing to me, but there is a feeling in my self which make me wanna say that I am really happy, I earned the medal because of keen in learning and fight my self from the laziness. Three years I spent my time to study in B.A. (Hons) from Aligar Muslim University, Aligarh - India, and finally its ended with the winner.
the day in convocation doesn't give much pleasure to me, the convocation in my university seems unique, and different from what I found in my country before, here the agenda looks untidy, and the students did not take part full attention to the agenda, I can simply say the agenda is too simple, but to give the honour to the best students who had proven their performance in study is more than simple.
Thank you to A.M.U for honouring me and thank you to my friends for supporting me and encouraging me. Hopefully with what I have gotten from the medal I could give impressive contribution to the science and I would devote my self to the knowledge, and reward it to the others around me. I intent to provide the support to the knowledge with no boundaries, and encourage a people who attempt to enhanced and provide the benefit to it.
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